DOSMILDOCE was the year that the world could have ended but it stubbornly did not. And here it is, still circling the sun.
More than busying himself with that visible and stubborn world, Jose Vidal’s DOSMILDOCE peace , seems to be pointing out to an equally stubborn border, which if not invisible, is at least unclear. This mean the border between the audience and the performers, one of the many possible variations of the old limit between reality and fiction.
Here, the actual gesture of dancing seems to be the subject that brings us together, and the piece more than being oriented at creating dialogue between the visible and the invisible dimensions of the world, is about the dance device.
When exploring the limit between the ordinary and the artistic, this work does not seem to have the goal of diluting that boarder until it disappears, as it happens with many contemporary proposals in a variety of disciplines, it actually does very much the opposite.
DOSMILDOCE takes charge of that unclear border, puts the spectator in an unusual place: the stage, with the hope of reminding it that maybe the end of that border it just an illusion, as the end of the world is.
It was launched at the Corpus Alterno 2012 Festival: during 2013, in the Aula Magna of Universidad de las Américas; and had three seasons at Centro Cultural Mil M2 (Factoría Italia. In 2016, in Espacio Diana as part of the project of “Experiencias Retrospectivas”, in Santiago de Chile.
More than busying himself with that visible and stubborn world, Jose Vidal’s DOSMILDOCE peace , seems to be pointing out to an equally stubborn border, which if not invisible, is at least unclear. This mean the border between the audience and the performers, one of the many possible variations of the old limit between reality and fiction.
Here, the actual gesture of dancing seems to be the subject that brings us together, and the piece more than being oriented at creating dialogue between the visible and the invisible dimensions of the world, is about the dance device.
When exploring the limit between the ordinary and the artistic, this work does not seem to have the goal of diluting that boarder until it disappears, as it happens with many contemporary proposals in a variety of disciplines, it actually does very much the opposite.
DOSMILDOCE takes charge of that unclear border, puts the spectator in an unusual place: the stage, with the hope of reminding it that maybe the end of that border it just an illusion, as the end of the world is.
It was launched at the Corpus Alterno 2012 Festival: during 2013, in the Aula Magna of Universidad de las Américas; and had three seasons at Centro Cultural Mil M2 (Factoría Italia. In 2016, in Espacio Diana as part of the project of “Experiencias Retrospectivas”, in Santiago de Chile.

José Vidal
Sound design
Angélica Vial
Catalina Devia
Costume design
Carolina Ocampo
Matilde Amigo, Catalina Avaria, César Avendaño, Natalia Bakulic, Lucas Balmaceda, Pablo Barckhahn Gonzalo Beltrán, Jesús Briceño, Carlota Bouquet, Josefina Camus, Carola Castro, Rodrigo Chaverini, Francisca Concha, Gabriel Cunich, David de Flores, Domingo del Sante, Emilio Edwards, Andrés Escobar, Camilo Fernández, Amelia Ibáñez, José Luis Inostroza, Valentín Keller, Damián Ketterer, Raúl Lagos, Loreto Leonvendagar, Ana José Manríquez, Francisco Martínez, María Renee Miranda, Darío Oyarzún, Karla Padilla, Carlos Palacios, Isabel Pizarro, Natalia Ramírez, Paulina Rebolledo, Carla Romero, Paula Sacur, Carlos Sánchez, Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Pía Uribe, Carlo Urra, Bernardita Villarroel, Isidora Zegers, Eduardo Zúñiga.
Fabian Cambero.
José Vidal
Sound design
Angélica Vial
Catalina Devia
Costume design
Carolina Ocampo
Matilde Amigo, Catalina Avaria, César Avendaño, Natalia Bakulic, Lucas Balmaceda, Pablo Barckhahn Gonzalo Beltrán, Jesús Briceño, Carlota Bouquet, Josefina Camus, Carola Castro, Rodrigo Chaverini, Francisca Concha, Gabriel Cunich, David de Flores, Domingo del Sante, Emilio Edwards, Andrés Escobar, Camilo Fernández, Amelia Ibáñez, José Luis Inostroza, Valentín Keller, Damián Ketterer, Raúl Lagos, Loreto Leonvendagar, Ana José Manríquez, Francisco Martínez, María Renee Miranda, Darío Oyarzún, Karla Padilla, Carlos Palacios, Isabel Pizarro, Natalia Ramírez, Paulina Rebolledo, Carla Romero, Paula Sacur, Carlos Sánchez, Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Pía Uribe, Carlo Urra, Bernardita Villarroel, Isidora Zegers, Eduardo Zúñiga.
Fabian Cambero.